Without a doubt this is my favorite of Harryhausen's Sinbad films. I need to watch the Blu-Ray soon!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
JODOROWSY'S DUNE (2014) trailer
When, years ago, I first heard mention of the fact that
legendary filmmaker Alexandro Jodorowsky had attempted to make a movie out of
DUNE in the 1970's I was stunned. How could he have thought such a huge
undertaking was possible? How could he have thought it was possible to finance
a project so bizarre and difficult? Given the depth and detail of the novel, in
what ways could it have been visualized at that time? In short- what brand of
madness put this ultimately failed venture on track to development with any
hope of success?
science fiction,
weird movies,
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The Invaders comic book covers
When I was a kid there was no comic book that fired my
imagination more than Marvel's The Invaders. I read everything they or DC
published (or as close to it as I could
get) but there was something amazing about the adventures of this super hero
group in the Second World War that grabbed me on a level that few others could.
I loved The Avengers and Spider-Man and Luke Cage with a true beleivers passion
but this comic was special to the ten and eleven year old me. I have been
slowly rereading the first twenty or so issues in trade paperback form and
enjoying them all over again- not as much as I did as a young lad, but they are
still a joy. As an adult I can see the silliness of much that I took as deadly
serious years ago but I consider that part of the fun now.
I wonder if there is any chance of Marvel Studios making an Invaders film? That would be amazing!
Monday, February 17, 2014
NaschyCast #43.5 - The Daninsky Files
After too long a time the NaschyCast returns to the world of
El Hombre Lobo! Having covered all eleven of the Waldemar Daninsky film over
the course of the podcast your two hosts have decided to weigh in on how the
series stacks up. We each rank the films from favorite to least favorite with a
surprise digital guest appearance by our Man in the Field - Dan! Yep- in a
strange, jumbled way we have Dan join us (through the magic of painstaking
editing) to list off his thoughts on the Daninsky movies as well. You just
never know what surprises will be up our hairy sleeve.
Of course, it wouldn't be the NaschyCast without a number of
digressions and tangents so expect some conversation about Lester Dent pulp
stories; Derek Robinson World War One novels about fighter pilots; the
epic-length science fiction of Peter R. Hamilton; bizarre combinations of music
and werewolf imagery; and Rod's brief review of Argento's DRACULA film. We
narrowly avoid a discussion of ARCHER so be happy we have some self-control. Also,
the feedback section is packed with fun tidings including an MP3 piece from a
new writer to the show and a couple of other Spanish Horror fans chiming in
with their own rankings of the lycanthrope cinema of Senor Naschy. It's a fun
time for all involved! If you would like to add your two cents worth you can
write us at naschycast@gmail.com or join us over on the Facebook page. And
thank you for downloading and listening!
70s horror,
Spanish Horror,
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
The Underappreciated James Coburn - THE LAST HARD MEN (1976)
There was a period of time when James Coburn was easily one
of the coolest movie stars in the world. Onscreen he epitomized a certain kind
of calm, competent, intelligent man who could be as comfortable in the extreme
dangers of any place on Earth as he was sipping a cocktail with a gorgeous lady
on his arm. Coburn always gave off an air of effortless style and
sophistication that seemed to hide a sharp, dangerous fighter just below the
surface. His career was a glorious thing to see because it was as if he could
glide into any movie and immediately hold the audience rapt. It helped that
either he or his agent had a fine eye for scripts because he starred in one of
the most impressive string of smart movies of any star you can name. From the
mid-1960s to the late 1970s he was in an easy dozen truly fantastic movies that
were not only great at the time of their release but stand up today was
brilliant works worthy of serious attention. With a list of credits hat
includes the two Flint movies, THE PRESIDENT'S ANALYST, DEAD HEAT ON A
OF IRON how can anyone doubt his credentials as one of the great screen stars.
The trouble is that for more than a generation Coburn has
been almost completely out of the public eye. Luckily Shout Factory's recent
DVD double feature can start rectifying this sad state of affairs. First up is
the late period western THE LAST HARD MEN which pits Coburn's vicious escaped
criminal against Charlton Heston as the lawman Burgade who put him in prison.
The time is the first decade of the 20th century and Coburn's character Provo has been in jail
for ten years. He's able to take advantage of light security on a railroad
building prison gang to kill the guards and with a few other hand picked
inmates make his way across the desert. As soon as Heston as the retired lawman
learns of the escape he knows that his nemesis will be coming to take revenge.
There are a lot of great things in this film with the first
being the fine cast. Besides the above the title names of Coburn and Heston the
film has a very good early performance from Barbara Hershey as Hestonâs
brutalized daughter Susan and a great group of character actors on both
sides of the law. Among the escapees is John Quade as easily the nastiest and
least pleasant of them. Anyone familiar with westerns of the 1960s and 70s will
recognize Quade from several movies including THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES and HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER. He was nearly always
tapped to play dodgy, villainous roles in westerns but his lecherous, vile
performance here creates unease in the viewer that feels more in keeping with a
horror film. The other scumbags in the group seem almost tame in comparison to
his revoltingly sweaty stare as he literally licks his lips at the idea of
raping Hersheyâs character. Heâs a disgusting, unredeemable bastard and the
movieâs hard edge is never more in evidence than when he is onscreen.
Of course, the real acting power in THE LAST HARD MEN
resides in the two name stars. Heston is typically great as the lawman pulled
back into service out of both the desire to protect himself from an enemy and
the feeling that he is the only man capable of stopping Coburn. Itâs this
almost arrogant certainty that everyone else is an incompetent that leads the
audience to root a little for Coburnâs character as the chase develops. At
first we almost want to see the self-important man taken down a peg or two
but when the cruel depths of Coburnâs hatred is revealed the nastiness of the
situation becomes clear and it becomes harder to root for the bad guy. These
really are hard men and there is little chance of either backing down or giving
up. In most ways it is Coburn that has the harder job onscreen. He has to
convince us of his malicious nature while still being the lesser of the various
shades of evil onscreen. He does this well and its a testament to his charisma
that we are willing to root for this increasingly nasty man for as long as we
70s crime movies,
Charlton Heston,
James Coburn,
poster art,
Sunday, February 09, 2014
ALIEN (1979) alternative poster art
This is a mix of foreign posters and artwork done by fans and there were a lot more of these than I expected to find! I love the more impressionistic pieces that only slyly hint at the horrors lurking within.
70's science fiction,
70s horror,
poster art,
science fiction
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