Because I couldn't resist buying Disney's sci-fi folly on Blu-Ray (I'm sick - don't emulate me) I ended up once again fascinated by the mad spectacle of this mess of a film. It looks great, has wonderful special effects and a beautiful John Barry score. It also has stupid robot characters, mostly awful dialog, paper-thin characters and a script that needed major revisions. But the element of THE BLACK HOLE that tends to cause all jaws to drop in stunned awe is the ending. It is insanity on a big budget and is the perfect example of a story being told with no ending in mind. Apparently, production started with an unfinished script which explains many of the film's problems including the WTF ending. That unfinished nature is also the reason why the official novelization has a different ending and the comic book has an ending different from both book and movie! Oh! And it turns out there were two separate comic adaptations giving the entire affair another ending to add to the pile.
Here's the last two pages of the Whitman comic book adaptation to show how the creators of that comic ended the tale -
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