Earlier this month I wrote a bit about my lifelong love of Edgar Rice Burroughs' fantasy novels about the Martian adventures of John Carter. I lamented that there were only eleven tales to read and enjoy (if you don't count the various comic book stories) and talked about the joy of re-reading the first three books. Imagine my surprise when a buddy emailed me news of a new book of short stories inspired by the ERB Mars tales! Due out next year it has a pretty great list of writers including Joe Lansdale lined up to tell new stories of Barsoom! Called 'Under the Moons of Mars' each story will be illustrated by a different artist making the entire package a great way to see other's ideas of what the planet and its creatures look like. This is amazing news! Why has no one tried anything like this before? I'll provide a pre-order Amazon link below and you can check the full contents at this LINK. 2012 might be the year of John Carter of Mars, huh?
Thanks for the heads-up about this!!!
It looks incredible. I know I'm going to pre-order a copy!
Yeah- I'll pre-order it as well. Not a bad price!
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