Well, well, well. Fans of the classic 1930s era horror classics can smile in satisfaction that the fantastic first film adaptation of H. G. Wells' The Island of Doctor Moreau is finally coming to DVD. The bonus information is that its also coming out on Blu-Ray at the same time and its all being done by the folks over at The Criterion Collection. I'm thrilled about this but I have to admit that I'd rather Universal or Paramount were handling the release. I've never been happy with Criterion's overpricing for their product- more than double what others charge seems a bit much. I've never been unhappy with their discs' quality so you might feel you get what you pay for but I can't help but remember that their prices for Laser Discs back in the 1990s were $100 or $125 and that pricing structure still seems to be in place. I think that they might sell more if they charged a bit less. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing the film again and not on my old Universal VHS copy. The extras look pretty good with the commentary track being the item I'll probably play first.

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