Monday, February 03, 2025

Trailers From Hell - SH! THE OCTOPUS (1937)

In this video Michael Schlesinger reveals the long shadow of a true cinematic classic. Or is he joking? Yeah, he's joking. But the movie is a must see for fans of silly 1930's cult movies that barely make sense. 

Mr. Schlesinger recently passed away and I have been thinking about him lately. I was able to meet him several years ago and took the opportunity to thank him for his efforts in getting a number of beloved B-movies released on DVD and eventually Blu-Ray. He was a champion of a lot of often overlooked films that have had the chance to be seen and reevaluated at least partially because of his work behind the scenes. I have occasionally used his Trailers From Hell appearances to give myself a little of the fun of being in the same room with him. If you never got to meet Michael you missed a funny fellow with a big heart. His love of movies and sense of humor were a glorious combination and I only wish I'd been able to talk him more often. 

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