Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Monday, September 27, 2021
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Video - Boris Karloff in 'Sting of Death' (1955)
Friday, September 24, 2021
Video - ESCAPE FROM GALAXY 3 (1981)
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The Bloody Pit #136 - FRANKENSTEIN AND ME (1996)
Monday, September 20, 2021
Wild, Wild Podcast #9 - BEAST IN SPACE (1980)
Saturday, September 18, 2021
What I Watched in August

Friday, September 17, 2021
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Ennio Morricone's Space:1999 Score
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Review - THE DEMONS OF LUDLOW (1983)

Last week I finally dipped my toes into the mysterious
waters of the Weird Wisconsin Blu-Ray box set. To be clear, I originally had no
intention of buying this career retrospective of independent filmmaker Bill
Rebane simply because the one effort attached to his name that I had seen
before was the abysmal MONSTER A-GO-GO (1965). Rarely has a movie deserved
derisive discussion more than that failed mess. But after reading a bit I
learned the odd history of the film’s convoluted production and realized that
Rebane’s other work might be more interesting and less sleep inducing. I’ve purchased films for flimsier reasons.
Simply because I liked the title, I pushed play on THE DEMONS OF LUDLOW (1983) and was mildly rewarded. It tells the story of a small rural community that receives the gift of a special piano from a European benefactor. It seems that the foreigner is a member of the family that established this small town but was made to retreat to the old country for some local crime. Regardless of the dubious reasoning, on the two hundredth anniversary of its founding the mayor is proud to accept the gift with the explanation that the European family wishes to contribute something to the townspeople. As you might expect, this piano is part of a curse that serves, each time it is played, to call up vengeful dead folks to kill the descendants of the people that forced the European family to flee. Cue the carnage!
I’m not going to claim THE DEMONS OF LUDLOW is a great movie
or an undiscovered classic. It’s very low budget hampers its ambitions several
times and the cast is peppered with some non-actors that just can’t convincingly
play most of the emotions that are required. But the movie does have something.
It might be that it has a certain charm that grows from its outsized ambition or
the ‘let’s put on a show’ feel of the entire affair. I found myself wanting the
often teetering narrative to find its footing and get its tale told. To be
honest, the film got me on its side with what I can only call its earnestness!
I wanted the film to succeed and so when it firmly connected, I was happy and
when it stumbled, I was more forgiving of its lapses. Even though I was
constantly amused by whether the gifted musical instrument was supposed to
be a piano or a harmonium I found myself overlooking the confusion about the very
non-piano sounds it produced. Would it have been so difficult to dub in piano music
when its being played? Or was there some larger reason for the music used? Maybe
Stephen Thrower’s book included with the box set will have some information
about this mystery.
There are four more Bill Rebane films in the set that I have
yet to see and, mixed feelings aside, this viewing has made me eager to try
them out. I’m not going to rush through them but I’m no longer dreading the
experience. But I doubt I’ll ever watch the high-definition version of MONSTER
A-GO-GO. That pain I do not need!