Monday, June 28, 2021
Trailers From Hell - MONSTER A-GO GO (1965)
Friday, June 25, 2021
Wild Wild Podcast #3 - 002 OPERATION MOON (1965)

Thursday, June 24, 2021
Monday, June 21, 2021
The Bloody Pit #131 - THE MUMMY'S TOMB (1942)

Sunday, June 20, 2021
Severin to Release Jess Franco's BLACK BOOTS, LEATHER WHIP (1983)!

Saturday, June 19, 2021
Trailers From Hell - THE MUMMY'S TOMB (1942)
Here's Joe Dante talking a bit about the odd timeline of the Mummy movies made by Universal Studios in the 1940's. Short form version - somehow the 1940's last for about sixty years in this series! I love it!
Of course, our podcast on this movie will be dropping very soon.
Friday, June 18, 2021
What I Watched in May

Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Power Records - THE HULK AT BAY (1974)
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
This Greek thriller is very much in the vein of the giallo in
some ways while veering from those films in significant ways. There is no
black-gloved mystery murderer in THE WIFE KILLER (1976) so that trope is absent.
Outside of one early sequence on a yacht the movie doesn’t seem very interested
in showing off stylish clothing or homes in near fetishistic fashion either. The
missing ‘lifestyles of the rich’ element seems a choice born of budgetary
restrictions but the film plays into that absence well by ramping up the
sleaze. In fact, the nastier sections of the film’s story are pretty rough as
evidenced by the alternate title THE RAPE KILLER. That isn’t as accurate a
descriptor as the one Mondo Macabro has chosen to release this under but it can
serve as a warning (or enticement) to potential viewers.
I quite enjoyed this filthy little crime tale. It moves at a pretty good pace most of the time and plays its cards close to the vest on several occasions allowing some of the surprises to keep curiosity high. The violence is fairly bloody with the slapping and sexual assaulting of women making for some tough viewing. The plot has some well-done twists with its central idea seemingly pulled from STRANGERS ON A TRAIN (1951). It looks to be a smart, devious plan to get a lot of money without the problem of living with the person who actually owns it. But such secret plans have many trust points that criminals rarely seem willing to honestly negotiate so trouble is inevitable. THE WIFE KILLER is an entertaining 90 minutes and the film’s satisfying finale pushes this into the category of a solid, recommendable effort. Glad I finally pulled this disc off the shelf!
Monday, June 14, 2021
FLIGHT TO MARS (1951) Coming to Blu-Ray!

Walter Mirisch: From Bomba to Body Snatchers - A new
documentary short from Ballyhoo Motion Pictures
Can't wait for July 20th!
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Friday, June 11, 2021
Wild, Wild Podcast Episode #2 - Assignment: Outer Space (1960)

Your next assignment is to travel across the galaxy in
search of the greatest scoop of your career. As a journalist with apparently
nothing else to do for the next few years, why not accept and join Rod and
Adrian as they travel into the farthest reaches of Outer Space?
Officially designated as Italy's first science fiction film,
Assignment Outer Space has a lot to offer, but will Rod have changed his mind
since his somewhat negative blog review fifteen years ago? Listen and find
If you want to check out the film before we spoil it completely, it can be seen here on YouTube - LINK!
Wednesday, June 09, 2021
Planet of the Apes Merchandise!
Monday, June 07, 2021
The Bloody Pit #130 - HARD BOILED (1992)

After a brief look at how we first encountered HARD BOILED (1992) Hudson and I dig into the film to find the things that still impress us nearly thirty years later. The movie’s rollercoaster ride structure and protracted final ‘cops vs gangsters’ battle make up a lot of our conversation but we also remark on the acting that sells the central character’s internal conflicts. Our personal history with collecting the film is a topic as well as the ways we sought out Woo’s earlier gangster movies from bootleggers. Hudson’s tale of seeking guidance from a professional to obtain the film’s soundtrack CD is a surprise and ties strangely into his recent rewatch of NYPD Blue! Connections are often in the oddest places.