Although Netflix has been a destination point for quality
television for a number of years now, their feature film production arm has not
exactly been top notch. There are number of Netflix produced feature films that
you can see on the service but I'll just mention the two action movies that I'm
aware of as 'Netflix films' and focus specifically on their big holiday release
Many months ago I watched their
production SPECTRAL (2016)
and observed at the time that it was a rolling disaster filled with obvious
post production work to attempt to bring the film into some kind of serviceable
form. That ultimately failed and created a movie that starts out interesting
and then bumbles and trips its way straight into abject pointless stupidity and
disaster. Proving that there seems to be some glitch with spotting script
problems and/or just well-produced and thought out ideas for stories, we come
now to BRIGHT (2017).

Netflix has certainly spent the money to make this a good
movie. They signed on a star in Will Smith, an excellent group of character
actors to fill out the cast, a director who has made at least one very good
film and a production team that surely knows how to put together a good-looking
product. The weak link in this entire affair is definitely Max Landis' weak-ass
script. When my girlfriend read the description of BRIGHT she quickly gleaned
something that I should have thought of myself when she compared it immediately
to the
1988 film ALIEN NATION. Indeed, as soon as she said that, it was clear
to me that BRIGHT is little more than a slightly more convoluted, slightly more
expensive and definitely more poorly scripted version of ALIEN NATION. In the
1988 film refugee aliens land on Earth and years later are still trying to
assimilate into human society. One of these aliens has now become the first cop
on the LAPD and is partnered with an older police officer who doesn't want the
assignment. On a call they discover a crime that is much bigger than they can
handle alone but also learn that they may not be able to trust their superiors
on the force. BRIGHT uses that template but makes a huge world-building

In this film orcs, elves, fairies, trolls and all sorts of
other fantasy creatures are real and have co-existed with humanity for
centuries if not forever. But, the modern day Earth of the film is just our
world with a couple of thin layers of fantasy details laid over the top. We are
shown anti-orc graffiti to delineate that group as the most discriminated
against in this society with obvious criminal gangs and heavily segregated
neighborhoods making their lower status clear. And then we see that the highest
level of this world is occupied by elves who seem to run everything they wish
to, along with their well paid human sycophants. Herein lies the fail - if this
world has existed with all these races co-mingling for centuries why does it so
closely resemble our Earth of 2017? If magic is real why has technology
advanced to the level it has in this reality? We're given a few casual lines
about the past of this world but never anything to indicate how and why things
are as they are. Even the occasional line referencing real historical events
such as the
Alamo create more questions than
they settle. We're not even given a real motivation for the villains' actions
beyond just reacquiring a lost magic wand. The story needed at
LOT more background information to establish a place that
felt like something more than a tossed off idea. This script needed more eyes
on it to fix it's inherent thinness.
It doesn't help that the script's dialog is pretty weak as
well, substituting profanity for emotion and bad jokes for character
devolvement. Will Smith does his best with the material as does the always
interesting Joel Edgerton as his orc cop partner but they can't save the poorly
constructed narrative. Also, I think Smith may have pulled the chain on his MEN
IN BLACK character one too many times now and it might be time to retire it
completely. The director handles the action scenes well and actually generates
some tension and suspense once things get moving but that and the excellent
cinematography are the only consistently well done elements in this thing.
If you're curious, check it out but go in with lowered
expectations and hope that NetFlix starts finding better scripts for their big
action epics - and soon!
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