Now that I've seen this 60's monster mess I understand why
it took me so long to catch up with it. Usually a monster film from this period
will have fans regardless of it's low quality but I have never had anyone
recommend seeing
away. With good reason!
This micro budget affair relates the tale of an alien Queen
who travels to our planet in search of women to replenish her homeworld's war
depleted supply of fertile breeding stock. This is complicated by NASA's (at
least I think it's NASA) newest astronaut - an android that can actually pass
as human. The aliens shoot down the missile containing our humanoid robot and
then land near him to begin their round up of female baby-pods. The heavily damaged
but still sort-of functional android wanders around until his scientist creator
(the great James Karen) locates him and then kind-of places him in the way of
the invading aliens.

The running time of this incredibly boring SF effort is a
much padded 76 minutes and at least 20 of those minutes are made up of stock
footage. Seriously. The rest of the film is a series of poorly directed, barely scripted
scenes that advance the story in fits and starts. This is easily one of the
dullest and dumbest science fiction films of the 1960's and it's a terrible
monster film to boot! The burned and damaged android is our Frankenstein
Monster and the alien race has sent along a creature for just such occasions!
Time to rumble - but not until the last couple of minutes of this overstretched,
laborious, snooze inducing muddle. There are worse monster films from the 1960's
but this one is still pretty damned bad. But that poster art is amazing!
Do you think Monster A Go Go is the worst '60's monster movie?
Probably. MANOS is in the running, of course, but I also can't find the charm of THE UNDERTAKER AND HIS PALS.
I'd also throw out The Creeping Terror.
Call me crazy, but I actually kind of like this one -- in a "so bad it's good" sort of way.
"And now... Maximum energy!"
I guess if you it caught on the right night it could fall into the So Bad It's Good category but DAMN it's dull.
I must admit fast-forwarding through the scooter tour of San Juan... and the fact that I've been rather blitzed every time I've seen this movie. ;)
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