I got to see a lot of movies in the theater in February so
I'll keep this brief. First up was the latest Coen Brothers comedy HAIL, CEASAR
and I found its recreation of 1950's Hollywood
to be charming and amusing. It seems to be crafting a vision of the past that
pretends that the movies of the time actually reflected reality and I find that
entertaining on its own. Adding to that is a group of slightly off-center
characters (in a Coen film!) who all have their own selfish agendas as they
negotiate a kidnapping, a pregnancy, a life changing job offer and a host of
other problems. I loved this wonderful film even as I must acknowledge that it
might be something only a old movie fan could completely embrace. I've read
other people complaining about it with my favorite criticism being that it's a
story about a kidnapping that has no tension. This made me laugh out loud! This
just ain't that kind of movie, friend! The kidnapping plot is just there to
hang all the other subplots from and to give a near perfect capper to a nice
character turn by Josh Brolin. Of course, the entire cast is fantastic wringing
every bit of juice out of the script's ridiculous shenanigans. This is a joyful
and grin-inducing movie that makes me love the Coen's more every time I am
reminded of a dozen or more little moments. Damn! I want to see it again!

Next I caught the horror film THE BOY starring Lauren Cohen
from the cast of The Walking Dead and Rupert Evens who has recently impressed
me on Amazon's Man In The High Castle series. The story involves American Cohen
taking an au pair job in England
for an elderly couple going away on holiday. Her duties revolve around caring
for their young son who - in a disturbing twist - turns out to be a three foot
tall doll of a boy instead of the real thing. At first incredulous she finally
accepts the position after a down to earth talk with the husband of the house
who explains that the doll was a way of coping with their child's death many
years before. If she will just go along, abide by the strict rules they set out
then all will go well and she will be well paid. She agrees and after the
couple depart we learn that the reason Cohen's character is so far from home
concerns an abusive ex-boyfriend who is unaware of her new location. Soon after
disregarding the carefully structured rules she begins to hear and see things
in the large house that lead her to suspect the doll may be supernaturally
possessed or at least the focus of ghostly attention. She convinces Evens'
local businessman character that something strange is going on just about the
time her ex finds his way to England
and things in the house escalate. THE BOY is a well done chiller that navigates
its few twists very well. It's not a great horror movie but it is a reasonably
effective one.
I've already
written a good bit about THE WITCH but I have
to admit that it's odd to me that so many horror fans dislike the film. Their
protestations of 'It's not really a horror movie' sound a whole lot like the
flip side of the old 'serious' filmmaker's dodge of 'It's not a horror film-
it's a supernatural thriller'. Bullshit on both rations of this crap. THE WITCH
is a horror movie and so all the bitching needs to cease. If you didn't like it
that's fine but it's still a horror film even nothing blows up or gets carved
into pieces. I'm pissed that I have to explain this.
DEADPOOL was just as funny and exciting as you have heard. I
enjoyed the hell out of it and look forward to a sequel even if I have never
read a single comic book with Cable. Kudos for the fine post credit Ferris Bueller
And finally I saw THE FOREST at the second run theater which
was about right. It's not a bad little ghost tale about a lost twin sister in
the infamous suicide forest in Japan
but it's nothing very special either. It's well acted and the pacing is strong
with the fine location work in the shadow of Mt. Fuji
adding very much to the creepy vibe. I enjoyed it but I doubt I'll ever go out
of my way to see it again.
The List
BLACK BOOK (1949)- 8 (excellent Anthony Mann, Menzies produced tale of
CAESAR (2016) - 9
AFTER READING (2008)- 8 (rewatch)
BOY (2016)- 7 (sharply done horror story)
(1986) - 3 (nudity filled alien monster mess)
(1986) - 1 (horrible on every level - and boring!)
PHANTOM LADY (1944)- 8 (excellent noir with horror overtones)
VISIT (2015) - 7 (solid found footage horror)
MACHINA (2015) - 7 (rewatch) (I liked it more the second time but it's still a
detached, distant experience)
BIG SHORT (2015) - 9
WITCH (2015) - 8
(2014) - 8 (WWII tank tale)
BOOGALOO: The Wild Untold Story of Cannon Films (2014) - 9
(2015) - 6 (not bad but the story is too stretched out for feature length running time)
(1988) - 3 (bad haunted house film from Filmirage)
THE GREAT SNAKE (1967) - 6 (solid German western from James Fenimore Cooper's
The Deerslayer)
(2016)- 8 (very fun!)
SHIP (1935) - 6 (interesting version of the Mary Celeste story with Lugosi)
AT APACHE WELLS (1965)- 6 (German western better known as The Oil Prince)
FOREST (2016)- 6
VAMPIRE Y EL SEXO (1969) - 5 (nude version of Santo film The Treasure of
OF THE DRAGONS (1961) - 4 (terrible but fun Jules Verne adaptation) (rewatch)
OF SIENA (1962) - 8 (Italian made Stewart Granger swashbuckler)