If it is a given fact (and boy, is it) that Stephen King has
had a woeful history with film adaptations of his horror novels, what do we
make of the film fate of less famous contemporary horror authors? Have
they faired better or worse than the ‘King’ of horror. Pretty much everyone
knows King’s name but few members of the general public are aware of his bookstore shelf-mate Dean Koontz. Among horror readers he is well known if not
particularly well admired as someone who has been incredibly prolific over the
years but has never really been a great writer. Not that King is a ‘great’
writer either but he is reliable as a genre storyteller and one who almost
always delivers the goods in a way that satisfies. I may bitch for the rest of
my life about how many of his novels seem to choke in the final third, but
overall he has given me enough thrills and excitement to coast on goodwill for

Now, for Dean Koontz, I have to admit to having read only
one of his novels years ago. It was during a period in which I wanted to branch
out in the horror field sampling a number of writers and I met with a very hit
and miss result. I was not impressed by Koontz or John Saul or Bently Little
and so never read another of their books. On the other hand Robert McCammon,
Ronald Kelly and John Farris drew me in and I have pursued their work ever
since. This means I am certainly no expert on Mr. Koontz work but that
shouldn't stop me from enjoying a good movie made from his stories, right?

But what is Koontz's track record with films made from his
work? From what I can find he has had twelve of his books adapted and while
I've not seen all of them the few I have viewed have been less than stellar. I
liked DEMON SEED (1977) which had the distinction of being both insane and
oddly compelling but WATCHERS (1988) I remember as being pretty damned awful-
what little of it I can still dredge up from my VHS memory bank. And I never
saw the sequels but just the knowledge of their existence means I will one day
wonder about them. (Damn my desire to see crap!) I never saw WHISPERS (1990) or
SERVANTS OF TWILIGHT (1991) but I did see HIDEAWAY (1995) and it was..... a
movie. My memories are that it was OK but nothing too great. Maybe a revisit is
in order? Oh! And I saw PHANTOMS (1998) because it starred Peter O'Toole and I
figured it had be interesting if he was in it. Clearly I had forgotten that
O'Toole was in SUPERGIRL (1984). Whew!

Skipping over the various TV movies of his books (because
who cares) we come to 2013's Koontz adaptation ODD THOMAS. If I had known
before pushing play on NetFlix that this sucker was directed by Stephen Sommers
I would have skipped it completely. This is the same hack that farted out VAN
HELSING (2004) and THE MUMMY (1999) so expecting quality filmmaking was off the
table. And within the first few minutes my darkest fears were realized as I
watched supposedly normal people engage in a running fistfight that would have
killed any ten human beings. They tumble through outdoor parties, they run
through houses and they break effortlessly through door after door as if they
were made of notepaper. I was waiting for the super powers to be revealed but
there are none! But that idiocy could have been winked at, I suppose, until the
general plot becomes clear. It seems that the main character can see and
communicate with dead people so he spends his off time tracking down killers.
That would be fine except that he only does this in his small southwestern
American town - but he speaks in the film's incessant voiceover about the dozens
of killers he has helped the local police catch. All of which means this place has more
murderers per capita than any place on earth! What the hell? Plus, the film's
tone is jokey and overly cute in a way that immediately puts me off so I was unimpressed
from the start. Did I mention the annoying voiceover that is supposed to make
us care about what is happening but only served to make me say "I get
it" about fifteen times as the film unspooled. Ugh!
So, Stephen King has had by my count about a 40% good to 60%
bad ratio in his adaptations but Dean Koontz has had one good one? Maybe one
and a half depending on how you count HIDEAWAY? Am I being too harsh? Are there
more good Koontz films I just haven't seen?
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