Naschycast brings you SEVEN MURDERS FOR SCOTLAND YARD or WHY ARE THOSE DROPS OF BLOOD ON MY NEW COUCH? For the twenty sixth episode we tackle another Spanish made murder mystery very much in the 'giallo' vein. Since we haven't touched on Naschy's contributions to the genre in a long time we first talk about the standard definition of a giallo, what elements make up one and discuss the question of country of origin as a qualification for inclusion in the official listings. Regardless of dissenting opinions we come down on the side of SEVEN MURDERS FOR SCOTLAND YARD being an example of the black-gloved killer thriller and let our enjoyment of the of the short lived genre show. As for the question of this film representing the best of its type we'll leave that up to you to discover. We know how to tease!
We break into the spoiler area of discussion at about the one hour and twenty minute mark and then dive into the Mail Bag as the clock strikes the two hour bell. In this section listener Mark takes me to task for putting Reggie Nalder in the wrong Argento film, is stunned by the fact that a place called Lookout Mountain exists and gives us his favorite and least favorite Naschy films covered in Year Two of the podcast. Then Troy and I get into a strange dissertation on the definition of 'lick'. Just listen and it'll make a kind of sense. If you would like to give us your 'Best of' list or just mouth off about either of us screwing up information please drop us a note at naschycast@gmail.com or join us over on the NaschyCast Facebook page. You'll be glad you did! Or at least we will. The download link is below and if you get the show through iTunes please review us there in the store. Thanks!
NaschyCast #26 LINK
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