I am pleased to direct you to this fantastic blog dedicated to the Golden Age of special effects. I'm just beginning to delve into the joys it provides but this one post I want to highlight is stunning. Here the blogger goes into great detail about the amazing Matte Paintings and Miniature work in the genre films of Hammer Studios. I'm still just staring goggle-eyed at some of the screen captures and really looking at the fine craftsmanship on display. I've often remarked on the beauty of this type of work especially in the Hammer gothics but to have them laid out like this is a fine reference for lovers of the movies. Go check it out!

Hi Rod
Many thanks for those kind words and 'thumbs up' for my Matte Shot site - it is indeed appreciated. It's always reassuring in this era of done to death CGI that folks still have time for 'hand made' trickery.
No need to thank me. A site such as yours is what makes the internet a bright, wonderful place to visit.
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