I have been a big fan of the films of Paul Naschy for about 20 years. I read about him and his work for years before I finally got to see any of it but, unlike many things longed for or anticipated, these movies were well worth seeking out. For the last few years my friend Troy and I have gotten together a few times a year for Naschy Nights during which we check out a couple of these cinematic efforts and, afterward, discuss them. With the recent passing of the great man we’ve decided to make a record of these little talks and let anyone who might be interested listen in as we ramble on. We’ll present these as audio PodCasts in MP3 format downloadable from right here. Our plan is to focus on a single film once a month and discuss it from stem to stern hopefully bringing some more attention to these often overlooked and still (in some cases) hard to find horror classics. With any luck we’ll be able to stick to our proposed schedule and in one year we’ll have an even dozen of these for your listening pleasure.
For the inaugural show we’ve chosen to start at the beginning with Naschy’s first monster film THE MARK OF THE WOLFMAN or, as it was known in the US, FRANKENSTEIN’S BLOODY TERROR. Next month’s episode will focus on HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB. We hope you’ll check out our humble effort and let us know what you think.
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Thanks a lot I am listening to it right now and I love it! I have also posted about this on my site http://unfandepaulnaschy.wordpress.com/2010/02/07/homenaje-a-paul-naschy-desde-bloody-pit-of-rod/
I am looking forward to listen to the next one!! I love listening this because I have the story from Spain and now I can listen to the story in the other side of the ocean! And the compare the 2 different visions!
PS: I love Nashville!!
Ok, this is me again! I am not spamming, I promise lol but I am listening and I am going to answer some of your doubts
The one acting as Countess Janice von Aarenberg is Dyanik Zurakowska impossible name to pronounce even in Spanish either lol
My goodness! I can't thank you enough for the blog love Elena. Troy and I thank you for your kind words about the podcast and the cross-post to your fans as well. With liberal use of Bable Fish I've been reading your blog and enjoying seeing a Spanish perspective on his work. Great stuff. I hope you like our next offering as well.
Thanks to you! I am looking forward to your next podcast, I really had a great time listening to it. Our visions of the master are different but we agree about how great he was. I got the chance of meeting him on several occasions, and once I was his interpreter and I have to tell you that I admire him as the artist he was and as the awesome person he was too. Anyway I am glad you like our site and anything you want or need don't hesitate asking us! LOVE!
Troy here...
Wow, I'm so jealous, Elena, that you got to meet and know the Great Man himself. I will forever kick myself that I was not able to see him the couple of times he appeared at American conventions. They were not held anywhere close to me, but I had sworn I would travel many miles if he came back just one more time. Alas, such was not to be. He will be greatly missed and I am glad to be doing this series as a tribute to his work. Thanks for listening!!
I'm about halfway through the podcast and really like it. How frequently will these be posted? Look forward to the next one.
Thanks Doug! With any luck we'll be posting a new one each month. My aim is to get them out the first week of the month and I don't see anything stopping that schedule. We already have our next three movies picked out and ready for discussion!
Hi Rod! Just getting around to listening to Naschycast #1, and am really digging it a lot! The Duke of DVD and I over at Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies are also huge Naschy fans, and geek out on him pretty much every time we're together, no matter what the topic. We need to do an Arkansas/Tennessee Naschycon together! Or else just meet in Memphis and grab a few beers and talk about Naschy for about 8 hours. ;)
Vicar- that sounds like a Hell of a good time. NaschyCon is an idea who's time has come.
Hey fellas, this is the first of your Naschycasts I've listened to and it was massively enjoyable. It did exacly what a good review should do - it made me want to watch the film again. You fellas should be doing audio commentaries, seriously. Bizarrely I'm looking forward to your review of Crimson - it's the only Naschy film I've seen that I can't say ANYTHING positive about, I'd be interested to hear you guys' take on it. Keep up the excellent work!
Hey fellas, this is the first of your Naschycasts I've listened to and it was massively enjoyable. It did exacly what a good review should do - it made me want to watch the film again. You fellas should be doing audio commentaries, seriously. Bizarrely I'm looking forward to your review of Crimson - it's the only Naschy film I've seen that I can't say ANYTHING positive about, I'd be interested to hear you guys' take on it. Keep up the excellent work!
Hey fellas, this is the first of your Naschycasts I've listened to and it was massively enjoyable. It did exacly what a good review should do - it made me want to watch the film again. You fellas should be doing audio commentaries, seriously. Bizarrely I'm looking forward to your review of Crimson - it's the only Naschy film I've seen that I can't say ANYTHING positive about, I'd be interested to hear you guys' take on it. Keep up the excellent work!
Glad you enjoyed it, sir! When Troy and I started this the idea was to provide a kind of fan commentary about each film which is why we make a point to go through each one in detail. Its the type of thing I'd love to listen to myself so......
And you'll discover that we didn't find too much positive to say about CRIMSON either. That film stinks!
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