Thursday, August 31, 2023
Wild, Wild Podcast S5 E12 - THE FINAL EXECUTIONER (1984)

Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Ken Reid's Creepy Creations!
I've become fascinated by British artist Ken Reid's monsters and creatures. The creativity and imagination on display is staggering making me wish there was a funny tale written about each one.
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Retro Review - I HATE MY BODY (1974)
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Sunday, August 20, 2023
The Bloody Pit #178 - RATS: NIGHT OF TERROR (1984)
**Word of warning – the first fifty minutes of the show has less than great audio. For some reason a buzzing was on the track and the only way I could eliminate it was to crush some of the less loud portions of the sound out. Sadly, this dropped most of the laughter from the amused ladies in the room and causes the softer ends of some words to be lost as well. I’m sorry about this – I’ll work to make sure it doesn’t happen again.**
I am joined once again by Bobby Hazzard and John Hudson to roll around in Italian sleaze! This time I chose the film and, since I was in a post-apocalypse frame of mind, we end up talking about our first Bruno Mattei film. RATS NIGHT OF TERROR (1984) is probably my favorite of Mattei’s efforts, which some will claim is damning it with faint praise – I can’t disagree.
We talk about how we first encountered this mad movie and its regular video companion HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD (1980). Tied into that, Hudson notes the strong similarities of this film’s plot to the classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1968) siege scenario. Other post-apocalypse exploitation movies are used for comparison with this one coming in as a lesser effort in some way but not in others. The portentous ‘Star Wars’ inspired opening voiceover has us trying to square the supposed 225 years ‘After the Bomb’ timeline it provides, but we do have a lot of fun noting that the world ended in 2015. Actress Geretta Geretta has talked about this film on several occasions and we relate a few of her more interesting tales of working in Italian cinema without speaking the language. Other topics include dodging iguanas, buckets of rats and well-done fire stunts complete with some unfortunate animal cruelty. We do eventually end up spoiling the excellent ending, so you have been warned.
If you have any comments about this film or any other we’ve covered on the show thebloodypit@gmail.com is the place to send them. We thank you for listening and we will do our best to avoid audio problems in the future.
Friday, August 18, 2023
Wild, Wild Podcast Season 5 Episode 11 - A MAN CALLED RAGE (1984)

This film is about a man called Rage. His name is on the
poster and everything! But is he actually full of rage? Or is he just a bit
annoyed at being mildly inconvenienced by the post-apocalypse? There may have
been nuclear war, but it hasn't stopped him being able to get a really good
haircut or from going to the gym. It's hard to see what's got him so cross.
Let's see if we can find out. Join Adrian and I for this latest episode as we
get ripped with Rage and slashed with Slash – not the famous one, though. Yes,
we head out once more into the forbidden lands in search of whatever it is they
need this time, with only a gun and a girl in hot pants for company. Standard
military issue denim hot pants, of course!
We would love to hear from you if you have any favorite post-apocalypse films that we haven’t covered yet. You can contact us on Twitter and Instagram or by email at wildwildpodcast@gmail.com. Please also remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice!
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
What I Watched in July 2023
I was impressed by OPPENHIEMER (2023) and was happy to see
such a smart drama being released to strong business in the good old
summertime. For all the whining and crying about how Hollywood pumps out
nothing but big budget entertainments fit only for children I have to note that
there are still plenty of adult stories being produced even if most of them are
on television. The fact that films aiming for a broader audience than a period
drama usually garners are the norm isn’t a sign of the dumbing down of cinema
any more than the release of CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG was in 1968. I’m still amused
by this type of constant complaining but it shows a lack of understanding of
the business of movie making.
The biggest surprise of OPPENHIEMER (2023) for me was the final act of the film. I did not expect the detailed exploration of the nasty, petty political machinations that featured later in the main character’s life. I found it fascinating and of particular interest in relation to its parallels to the sad, needy animals that function today as our elected officials. There were no ‘good old days’, my friends. Only the distance of time seems to make it so.
The List
SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE (2023) – 7 (good but not as good as the first)
CONQUEST OF SPACE (1955) – 6 (rewatch on Blu)
BOG (1979) – 4 (low budget Wisconsin lake monster movie)
PLANET OF THE FEMALE INVADERS (1966) – 5 (silly but
interesting Mexican SF)
TRESPASSERS (2018) – 5 (mediocre home invasion variation)
FLIGHT COMMAND (1940) – 6 (standard military training drama
with good cast)
IKARIE XB-1 (1963) – 8 (excellent Czechoslovakian SF film)
GREEN HELL (1940) – 4 (Whale’s not great jungle adventure)
BEATRIZ (1976) – 6 (Spanish folk horror tale)
THE FATAL HOUR (1940) – 6 (rewatch on Blu)
DOOMED TO DIE (1940) – 5 (rewatch on Blu – Karloff’s last)
BIG BUSINESS GIRL (1931) – 5 (slight, creaky, predictable
romantic comedy)
THE AMUSEMENT PARK (1975) – 6 (interesting allegory about
the aging people of society)
THE KILLER IS STILL AMONG US (1986) – 6 (giallo based on a
real case with an inconclusive ending)
(exciting but exhausting)
INFLUENCER (2023) – 6 (interesting thriller with a female
STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN (1982) – 9 (rewatch)
DUDE COWBOY (1941) – 5 (Tim Holt B-western)
THE BRAIN FROM PLANET AROUS (1957) – 6 (rewatch on Blu)
OPPENHIEMER (2023) – 9
SAMOA, QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE (1968) – 5 (Edwidge Fenech as a
jungle girl)
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Video - A MAN CALLED RAGE (1984)
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Star Spangled War Stories Cover Gallery
Tuesday, August 08, 2023
NaschyCast #72 - Jon Kitley Visits!
Monday, August 07, 2023
Saturday, August 05, 2023
The Bloody Pit #177 - STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN (1982)