Sunday, January 31, 2021
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Video - The Story of ROM: Space Knight
Monday, January 25, 2021
The Devil Wives of Li Fong by E. Hoffman Price
Author E. Hoffman Price's The Devil Wives of Li Fong (published in 1979) is a very
entertaining fantasy set in medieval China. It follows a young herbal
apprentice who falls into the company of a couple of snake-spirit women who, by
chance, have transformed into humans. They seduce him, marry him and set up an
apothecary where they dispense medicine aided by the snake women’s magical
abilities. Soon, several trouble makers try to destroy the trio, ignoring that
they are doing good in an attempt to stay human and better their future in the
afterlife. Price tells his story in a way that I associate with Chinese cinema,
making it feel like a lost Hong Kong film from decades past. The schemes of the
antagonists read like the villains of those classic Shaw Brothers movies but
Price is a good enough writer to make me care about the wives and poor Li Fong.
But the real reason I feel compelled to blog about this book is the physical condition of my copy. I purchased a cheap first edition paperback and it has clearly been much loved but not well cared for. The page edges seem to have been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time and are brittle to the touch. They often flake and break making it necessary to be careful while handling the book. Also, the covers were creased at the spine making repair to the front necessary before I could even start reading. And yesterday while I was finishing the story the back cover popped completely off. I have acid-free tape on hand so I’ll reattach the back but this event made a feeling I’ve had for days much stronger.
I tend to pass on books such as this to friends or trade
them in for credit at a local used book store but the state of The Devil Wives
of Li Fong has me wondering if I will be the last person in the world to read
this copy. This makes me a little sad. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of books
moving on to other hands so that these stories can be experienced by someone
after me. But this copy of this book may not be in good enough shape to find
another reader. I know this shouldn’t strike me as such a terrible event. After
all, it is available right now as a used book in several places on the web and in
ebook format on Amazon for anyone to buy cheaply. But this is one of the first
books I know might never be enjoyed by anyone else again and it is an odd
feeling. I really do hope I can repair this thing well enough to pass it to
someone new.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Trailers From Hell - THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN (1957)
"Like its inspiration, Richard Matheson’s The Shrinking
Man, Jack Arnold’s 1957 shocker expertly juggles sci-fi thrills, metaphysics,
and a shrewd metaphor for suburban angst in Cold War America. The film is
upheld by fine performances from Grant Williams as the humiliated husband who
takes up residence in a doll house, and Randy Stuart as his equally embattled
wife who has the patience of Job. The life-affirming finale walks a deft line
between spirituality and humanism. Producer Albert Zugsmith was simultaneously
working with Orson Welles on Touch of Evil and got him to provide 45 seconds of
sonorous promo narration for the ads."
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Brief Thoughts - POSSESSOR (2020)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Sunday, January 17, 2021
NaschyCast #65 - Satanic Naschy with Samm!

We begin our eleventh year of the show by having a Satanic
Author and podcaster Samm Deighan returns to dig into two specific Paul Naschy films. In both EXORCISM (1975) and INQUISITION (1977) Naschy plays a man of God working to help his flock overcome the influence of The Evil One. In one he is a paragon of virtue and in the other he is definitely not. Both films feature women placed in horrible positions by outside forces that seem to be Satanic in origin. But in each case the question of the how or even if these terrible things are happening is central to the story. Are these people possessed by the Devil or is there a more human quality to the awful events depicted?
Samm, Troy and I engage in a freewheeling discussion of
these movies jumping from topic to topic as one point leads to another. The
conversation assumes that you are familiar with both films and spoilers are
certainly in the air. Religion is the main part of our talk but we also look at
the obvious class commentary layered into the scripts. We talk about the movies
that influenced these Naschy classics and how some later movies may have taken
some ideas from them for sleazier effect. We drag in everything from HIGH
PLAINS DRIFTER (1973), MALIBIMBA (1979) and ANGEL HEART (1987) as we look at
different ways of portraying the Dark One onscreen. Of course, as with any such
chat, we end up ranging off the main topic which is how we somehow end up in
nipple territory again! I’m not sure how this happens but I’m going to blame
Samm. Yeah! It’s her fault. I also make time for a short anecdote about subjecting
my unsuspecting beloved to a Jess Franco directed Fu Manchu film. Give her your
We end the show with an email that was sent to in which we are
asked to make a terrible purchasing choice. It takes us a while to decide! You
can ask similar question or tell us your favorite onscreen Satan at that same
address. Thank you for listening and we’ll be back soon.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Trailers From Hell - ABBOT & COSTELLO MEET THE MUMMY (1955)
Friday, January 15, 2021
What I Watched in December