Paul Naschy was just a hired actor on this Spanish produced jungle tale but I can hardly wait to see it. I just got a copy via the Special Antenna so I could watch it at any time. Should I wait until I can double bill it with TARZAN IN KING SOLOMON'S MINES? I don't know......
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
NaschyCast #36 - A WEREWOLF IN THE AMAZON (2005)
With this film Paul Naschy added H. G. Wells' classic
character Dr. Moreau to his list of onscreen portrayals and he does a fine job.
The movie is from 2005 and was made in Brazil so both Spanish and
Portuguese languages are spoken which only adds confusion for someone just
trying to read the subtitles! I'm not going to lie- A WEREWOLF IN THE AMAZON is
an odd one folks- even for us. Among other strange things this film sports a pretty
good werewolf; multiple gory corpses; naked lesbians; naked Amazons; age
inappropriate sexual encounters; broad humor; confusing back stories;
contradictory character motivations; a bizarre musical number; death by sex;
ridiculous sets and a mercifully short running time. Sadly, only those with
access to the 'Special Antenna' will be
able to check out this late career entry in Naschy's resume but the curious
will always seek these things out.
Your humble hosts prattle on about comic books, music and a
host of other topics as well as the film we're supposed to be discussing. You
have been warned! We get off topic early and often. Please drop us a line at or come see us over on the NaschyCast Facebook page. And
if you get the show through iTunes (and I know you do) please consider leaving
us a written review over there. That would help us out a lot.
bad movies,
exploitation cinema,
modern horror,
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Jess Franco poster art - Part 17
I know next to nothing about this film from 1964 but I'd love to get a chance to watch it - of course! It is listed as a Crime Drama which could mean anything and one alternate title for it is 077 OPERATION SEXY so it may well be a Euro-Spy flick. Time to go on the hunt!
60s cinema,
european trash,
jess franco,
poster art
Friday, February 22, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
THE THING (1982) - Was Childs Infected?
This is a fascinating analysis of one of my all time favorite films that focuses on my favorite element of the story- the mystery of 'Who Was The Thing' at different points in the film. I have for years thought that at the end of the movie Childs was not infected and that MacReady's offer to him of the booze was a test to discover this. Now, with this insightful, careful look at certain details I'm starting to have my doubts. Check it out!
80s horror movies,
science fiction,
The Thing,
Monday, February 18, 2013
Martian Manhunter images
I've been a huge fan of J'onn J'onzz a.k.a. The Martian Manhunter for decades. I especially enjoyed his 1990's comic book series scripted by John Ostrander and drawn by Tom Mandrake and I still hope for a trade paperback release of its 36 issue run. I'm excited to learn that the new Justice League of America comic series that debuts in March will feature J'onn in a major role. I'll have to check it out!
Check out this great blog dedicated to the character for tons of info.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
The Tenth Planet to be restored!
60's TV,
Doctor Who,
dvd releases,
science fiction,
Thursday, February 14, 2013
A Podcast to the Curious
As a fan of Ghost stories I have a great love of British author M. R. James' haunting short fiction. I have to admit that I first
encountered his work in adapted form years ago when I saw the fantastic
CURSE/NIGHT OF THE DEMON (1958). That film is a version of his brilliant story
'Casting the Runes' and its power is almost overwhelming making it one of the
best horror films of the 1950s. If you've never seen the film I implore you to
give it a try.
You would think that a movie experience that profound would
have sent me in search of James' original work but it wasn't until I saw an
adaptation of another of his tales that I finally woke up. This was one of the
BBC Ghost Stories For Christmas produced between 1971 and 1978. The story was A
Warning to the Curious and I was chilled to the bone by the incredibly
effective sense of creeping, almost paralyzing terror the film elicited from
me. At this point I sought out a collection of the author's stories and I've
been reading and re-reading them ever since.
As you might expect, I am not alone in my appreciation for
M. R. James and I have finally discovered a fine podcast that focuses on his
work. A Podcast to the Curious is hosted by two fine English gents who seem
committed to digging deeply into each James story to both celebrate his genius
and pull apart the narrative in search of hidden nuggets of wonder. Here is
their description of the show--
A Podcast to the Curious is the only podcast dedicated
to the weird fiction of M.R. James!
Each episode your humble hosts Will Ross and Mike Taylor
will be tackling a different M.R James story, providing a commentary on the
story and discussing its themes and form interlaced with readings from the
story. Along the way we hope to include discussion on stage, screen and radio
adaptations of Jamesâ stories, information on Jamesâ life and interests as well
as on the legions of authors who were inspired by him.
I've listened to the most recent two shows and I can already
tell that I'm going to have to download and check out each and every one. If
you have an interest in good tales of ghostly happenings in stately British
surroundings then I recommend you read James' fiction and check out this
podcast for fine discussion afterward. One enhances the other- at least for me.
Podcast WebSite!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Captain Future - pulp reading!
I've started reading my second of these mad science fiction tales and I'm really enjoying what they have to offer. The stories I'm reading are from the return of the character in 1950 after being off the shelves for four years. They manage to introduce the characters very well before plummeting into the wild space adventure.
pulp covers,
science fiction,
what I read
Monday, February 11, 2013
EVERYTHING OR NOTHING (2012)- streaming on NetFilx!
Just a quick note to let other James Bond fans know about
this excellent documentary that is now streaming on NetFlix. EVERYTHING ORNOTHING is, of course, the ethos that Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman adopted
as they produced the longest lived spy film series the world has ever known.
I'd love to say this film covers everything you'd want to know but even though
it does its best there will always be areas of the series' history each viewer
might like to know more about. But as a pretty detailed overview this cannot be
beat! It hits all the high and low points of the now 50 year old run of Bond
movies and has interviews with every actor who has played the role. Well-
Connery is only there in archival footage but I guess you can't have
If you are at all a fan I recommend checking this out. Its a
fascinating look at the character's genesis on the page and its birth and many
re-births onscreen.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Friday, February 08, 2013
What I Watched in January
January brought three trips to the theater and all were
fantastic experiences.
I had been a bit surprised- indeed, shocked isn't too strong
a word - when my beloved girlfriend announced after seeing the trailer for DJANGO UNCHAINED that she wanted to see the film. I thought there was no way
she would want to see a Western but, as
I've noted elsewhere she loved the film even more than I did. Tarantino's last
two films have been among his best and show him moving into a truly fun area of
crafted Alternative Histories with his stories. Everything is brutally nasty
and slightly heightened above the norm of conventional reality which only
serves to improve each movie's effectiveness. With this film he bores deeply
into uncomfortable territory for any American aware of our country's past evils
and forces the viewer to confront some stark facts- all while entertaining said
viewer with a revenge/love story of epic feel and cinematic beauty. Its not a
perfect film but as a major fan of the spaghetti westerns he is riffing on I
felt thrilled that so much could still be done with the classic ideas from
those great old movies. DJANGO UNCHAINED always seems fresh and, although long,
it is never boring.
I had not originally intended to see LINCOLN theatrically but Yvette became
interested in the film and I was glad to check it out. The story covers only
the last few months of the Civil War and focuses on the battle to pass the Constitutional
Amendment to do away with slavery in the United States . The knowledge that
if the war ends before such a change is made this important thing might never
happen hangs over the period and informs every political move made. What is
more important? Is ending the hideous bloodshed as soon as possible first
priority or is correcting the rotten moral compromise that twisted our nation
from its inception a more vital need? Watching good and not-so-good men wrestle
with this dilemma was fascinating and entertaining in ways I did not expect. Plus,
I love listening to the way people spoke in the 19th century! So much more
interesting and colorful than today's argot.
After purchasing a particular Blu-Ray I received a free
ticket to see JACK REACHER so checking it out was a no-brainier - luckily the
film was pretty smart. What attracted me to the film in the first place was the
writer/director Christopher McQuarrie's involvement. I've been a fan of his
style of storytelling since he scripted THE USUAL SUSPECTS and I loved his
directorial debut with the stark modern day neo-noir/spaghetti western THE WAY
OF THE GUN. Having heard good things about the novels being adapted for this
film I had hopes for a mean little action tale and that is what I got. The film
feels like a throwback to the more interesting action films of the 1970s in
which character and tension were more important than explosions. I was
impressed with the story, the pacing, the direction and the acting from pretty
much everyone concerned. The violence was well staged and believable which is
something I can always appreciate in these days of hyper-spastic silliness. I'd
love to see a sequels from the same creative team but I doubt that will happen.
(1944)- 6 (wild adaptation of Donovan's Brain)
(beautiful but dumb- terrible dialog)
TARANTULA (1955)- 8 (rewatch)
THE SNIPER (1978)- 7
THE BLACK HAND (1950) - 7
(Gene Kelly & J. Carroll Naish battle New York Mafia in 1910)
(cynical, dark comedy)
CHRONICLE (2012)- 8 (very
well done 'birth of a superhero tale)
JACK REACHER (2012)- 7 (refreshing
70s style action film)
(1953)- 6 (cartoonish but fun)
SHADOWS (2011)- 8 (rewatch)
(OK mystery with too much comedy)
(comedic gangster tale with heart)
6 (pre-code operetta with Laurel & Hardy wedged in)
(1981)- 8 (rewatch)
(rewatch) (Charlie Chan)
alternate history,
poster art,
what i watch
Thursday, February 07, 2013
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
State Department investigator Neil Agar (William Smith in a
rare good guy role) is sent to Peckham ,
California to investigate a
mysterious death. The town is the home of a small government lab and one of
their scientists has turned up dead of cardiac arrest even though he had no
previous record of heart trouble. Things only look stranger when the coroner
lists the cause of death as "sexual exhaustion". Agar quickly
discovers that there seems to be a rash of these types of deaths in the town,
and once another scientist snuffs it he starts looking for unusual
possibilities. Enlisting the aid of pretty lab assistant Julie (Victoria
Vetri), it isn't long before he's taking a closer look at entomologist Dr.
Susan Harris (Anitra Ford). The supposedly sexually frigid Dr. Harris always
seems to be wearing sunglasses and her aloof manner makes Agar suspicious. In a
leap of logic that could only be played out with everyone in on the joke, Agar
surmises that some type of genetic insect crossbreeding is involved and comes
across proof just as Julie is about to become part of the town's deadly female
Here's a film that knows its dealing with a preposterous idea and just plays it straight hoping the audience is savvy enough to get the joke. Pure smutty fun from beginning to end, this flick revels in nudity, soft core sex, lesbianism and unapologetically chauvinistic behavior the likes of which we are likely never to see in film again. In Peckham every man, whether married or not, is looking to score with whoever he can and it seems that every woman in town was a sexual predator before they started getting their 'bee' on. Gloriously nasty with nearly no redeeming social values, Bee Girls is a wonderful early-Seventies time capsule. Where else are you going to see an amazing ugly man yell out in public that he will not abstain from sex just because he might die? Priceless! This movie has become my second favorite sci-fi/sex film of all time, right behind Barbarella but just ahead of Lifeforce. (Thank you Matilda May!) Indeed, there are only a couple of ladies in this movie that don't get naked at some point in the proceedings, but the real draw for fans of beautiful women has to be Anitra Ford.
The former Price
Is Right model only made four theatrical films but my lust for her was
kindled when I saw her as the evil Amazonian in the TV movie Wonder Woman.
Cathy Lee Crosby had nothing on Miss Ford, and at my young age I could barely
understand the strange emotions she sent running through my curious body.
Anitra has an extended nude scene here that shows us just what was lurking
beneath that game show smile. Add to that her completely unnecessary lesbian
kiss later on and you have '70s sexploitation heaven! Of course the film does
have its share of detriments... The plot is moved along more by chance and
wild guesswork than anything else, and sloppier moments in the story are
glossed over by obvious post-production dubbing. Some of the acting is less
than convincing, but I find that just adds to the fun in an odd way. A fun
movie for anyone with a love of campy science fiction or maybe just dirty minds!
Monday, February 04, 2013
Dennis Wheatley documentary
If you are a fan of occult fiction but have never read any of Dennis Wheatley's novels I highly recommend you try one. I discovered his work because of two of my favorite Hammer films - THE DEVIL RIDES OUT (a.k.a. THE DEVIL'S BRIDE) (1968) and THE LOST CONTINENT (1968). Both are adapted from Wheatley books and both are fantastic stories. There have been other screen adaptations and several of them are good but I would point you toward his novels if you can handle their archaic writing style.
Check out this British documentary for a pretty good introduction to the man and his work.
Check out this British documentary for a pretty good introduction to the man and his work.
60's horror,
hammer movies,
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