Thursday, January 16, 2025

What I Watched in December 2024

Among the many (obvious) joys of Robert Egger’s new NOSFERATU (2024) is a reaffirmation of the timelessness and malleability of the core Dracula story. Each of the three film versions to bear this title tell essentially the same tale but emphasize very different things. And while each has grown organically out of the times in which they were produced they seem to reflect the specific creative ideas burning within their directors. The 1922 classic is a brilliant exploration of then new cinematic ways of employing German Expressionism to visualize horrific images that had never been attempted onscreen before. This was the cutting edge of stage and screen storytelling at the time with the film seeming like a call to others to elevate their visuals. Herzog’s 1979 vision was of societal destruction by a plague of evil and the overwhelming sense that the event was unstoppable and inevitable. This bleak view of the horrors of the (super)natural world clawing at the thin veneer of civilization was typical of the director’s harsh opinion of humanity. Egger’s film shifts the focus to the character who sacrifices herself to end the horrors being visited upon the entire world. His movie centers her struggle with both mental illness and the ways the world treats her affliction because of how it is viewed by the people around her. She is the inevitable hero character and she suffers in more ways than any person should have to with her only solace being that she can save humanity through self-sacrifice. All three films contain each of these elements but the focus shift is fascinating and shows why I hope I live to see another version made in the future. 

The List 

THE HOUSE OF WITCHCRAFT (1989) – 6 (Lenzi supernatural horror) 
THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION (1968) – 5 (sexual freedom ain’t free)
GLADIATOR II (2024) – 8 
BLACK CHRISTMAS (1974) – 9 (rewatch on Blu) 
THE RETURN (2024) – 8 
MISSILE TO THE MOON (1958) – 4 (rewatch)
FRANKENSTEIN’S DAUGHTER (1958) – 7 (rewatch on Blu)
SHE DEMONS (1958) – 6 (rewatch)
GIANT FROM THE UNKNOWN (1958) – 7 (rewatch on Blu) 
SUPERMAN III (1983) – 4 (rewatch on Blu)
WEREWOLVES (2024) – 4 (nice practical effects but the film is blah)
LARCENY INC. (1942) – 7 (comedic crime with Edward G. Robinson)
INVASION USA (1985) – 5 (rewatch on Blu) 
THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT (2023) – 4 (interesting idea but poor execution) 
COVER UP (1949) – 7 (good noir set at Christmas) 
SUPERMAN IV: THE QUEST FOR PEACE (1987) – 4 (rewatch on Blu)
NERCROPHAGOUS (1971) – 5 (rewatch on Blu) 
NOSFERATU (2024) – 9 
THE TREASURE OF SILVER LAKE (1962) – 7 (excellent German western)

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