Friday, August 30, 2024

Wild, Wild Podcast Bonus Episode - Interview with comic writer Steven Ross

In this bonus episode Adrian chats with comic writer Steven Ross, who was responsible for encouraging Luigi Cozzi to write a new story in the Starcrash universe, The Midas Star (which we reviewed in a previous episode). Steven is also working on a new translation of the original Yor - the Hunter From the Future comics, so there is plenty to discuss!

If you want to follow Steven Ross and find out more about these projects you can find him on Twitter and Instagram.

We would love to hear from you if you have any favorite Italian comics or your memories of seeing Starcrash or Yor for the first time. You can contact us on Twitter and Instagram or by email at You can also find our YouTube channel here.

Please also remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Trailers From Hell - DEATHSPORT (1978)

Allan Arkush talks about Roger Corman bringing him in to try to save this mess of a movie. I enjoy watching this rolling disaster but it is an example of the story behind the film being much more interesting than the film itself. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Yor, the Hunter From the Future Comic Books!

In answer to my Euro-Cult loving prayers, the original YOR comic books are being released in a four issue mini-series in the US. I'm so happy to be able to finally read these!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wild, Wild Podcast Season 7: Episode 9 - AVENGER X (1967)

Bored of winning the golf championships all the time? Is life with your beautiful fiancé just not quite giving you the thrills you need? In that case, why not put on a black mask, stick a big X on your belt and then head out to fight international criminals? That's just what Mister X did, and he's never been happier, whether he's chucking henchmen out of windows or blowing up phone boxes.

Yes, we're back with another episode in our Fumetti season, and this is one of the lesser-known films based on a relatively unsuccessful comic. As usual with this season, there's no decent home video release to speak of, but you can find a poor quality copy on YouTube. It's good fun though, and gives Rod and Adrian plenty to discuss.

We would love to hear from you if you have any favorite Italian comic or masked hero/ villain-based films, or if you have used your fiancé as a honeytrap to catch a sleazy mafia boss. You can contact us on Twitter and Instagram or by email at You can also find our YouTube channel here.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What I Watched in July 2024

The financial failure of the excellent western HORIZON (2024) will be examined for years to come. There are so many questions. Why was such a well-made, engrossing, beautiful film unable to find an audience in the summer of 2024? Some people have surmised that perhaps the genre is out of step with today’s tastes and there might be something to that. The only successful western of the past few years was the more arthouse effort POWER OF THE DOG (2021) which garnered critical acclaim and award nominations but was only a moderate money maker. But it becomes difficult to gauge popular interest in the genre when there are relatively few data points in the range of films being given wide theatrical release. Westerns seem to still do well as home video or streaming releases but those movies tend to be of smaller scale and budget. And there, I think might be part of the problem with HORIZON.

This was an expensive project and was deemed risky enough from the beginning that star Costner ponied up a share of the budget himself. That speaks clearly about his belief in the story but the huge scale of the production made it a necessity for the film to become a major hit to guarantee the star/co-writer/producer/director’s vision could reach completion. And there is the bigger problem this entire affair had from its conception. Explaining to the movie going public that this was only the first part of a longer saga may have doomed its box office appeal. Audiences are accustomed to serialized story telling at home with binge-watching being a standard way of absorbing television shows. But knowing that this three-hour movie is only the first chapter of a multi-part epic that can’t be watched over the next couple of nights might have been a deal breaker. I can imagine a large number of interested western fans opting to wait for the home streaming release with the binge capabilities under their control at the click of a play button. And, considering the appeal the genre has to older viewers, I’m sure the thought of three hours without a bathroom break might have seemed an unnecessary gamble for some as well!

Regardless, I loved the movie. I found it to be a fascinating beginning to the type of sprawling tale that doesn’t seem to have been made for the big screen in decades. There have been some excellent westerns made over the past three or four decades but none with this size and scope. This is very much a HOW THE WEST WAS WON (1962) or ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST (1968) style story and I suspect Costner’s hoped for four film series will now not get made. That is a shame, but I do hope to at least be able to see the already completed second movie theatrically one day soon. These films are crafted to be best appreciated on the biggest screen possible.

The List

HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD (1934) – 7 (story of the rise of the banking empire with Karloff as villain)

JUNGLE MANHUNT (1951) – 6 (Jungle Jim with stolen giant lizard footage and men in skeleton suits)

MAXXXINE (2024) – 7 (the weakest of the trilogy but still quite good)

THE GNOME-MOBILE (1967) – 7 (fun little live-action Disney adventure)

SAFARI (1956) – 6 (British adventure that uses the Mau Mau uprising as a backdrop – kind of tasteless)

FOOD OF THE GODS (1976) – 6 (rewatch on Blu)

DANGER: DIABOLIK (1968) – 9 (rewatch on Blu)

FROGS! (1972) – 6 (rewatch on Blu)

MERCENARY FIGHTERS (1988) – 5 (exactly as generic as the title - Cannon actioner)

HORIZON (2024) – 8 (excellent western - part 1)

COBWEB (2023) – 4 (horror effort is ‘meh’)

TALES OF MANHATTAN (1942) – 8 (excellent portmanteau tale of a cursed coat)

IT! THE TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE (1958) – 7 (rewatch on Blu)

LONGLEGS (2024) – 8

COLOR OUT OF SPACE (2019) – 8 (rewatch)

THE MARK OF SATAN (1957) – 5 (Mexican western about supernatural axe murders)

THE BLOODY FISTS (1972) - 7 (exciting fights make for a fun Hong Kong action film)

PLAYBACK (1962) – 7 (sharp Edgar Wallace adaptation)

MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS (1958) - 6 (rewatch on Blu)

ELEPHANT WALK (1954) – 6 (well mounted melodrama with good cast)

HELLRAISER (2022) – 8 (shockingly good sequel/reboot)

JUNGLE WOMAN (1944) – 5 (rewatch on Blu)

RAMBO: LAST BLOOD (2019) – 6 (routine revenge tale that hopefully wraps this thing up)

THE BARBARIANS (1988) – 5 (Deodato’s stab at the genre with non-acting twins) 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Bloody Pit #200 - FROGS (1972)


Today the pond – tomorrow the world! Author Mark Clark returns to the show to talk about the epic (?) animal attack film FROGS (1972). We discuss that genre as well as the ecological horror sub-genre that this movie falls into comfortably. The goal with this episode was to limit ourselves to a single movie as a way to control the conversation, but that did not happen. Listing other 1970’s eco-horror movies leads to a slippery slope that has us spending a little too much time talking about GODZILLA VS THE SMOG MONSTER. There is no reining us in!

We discuss the cast and crew as we examine the film’s rather relaxed pace. Mark lays the blame for most of the film’s faults at the feet of the director and I have a hard time disagreeing. I admit to being shocked at the naked upper lip of Sam Elliot and remain convinced his character’s name is significant in describing his place in the narrative. I mean, when the rich family being besieged by frogs is named Crockett the writers were clearly playing with descriptive nomenclature. Or they were just having a laugh. But the most interesting part of the show has to be Mark’s theory about why the movie is named Frogs instead of after any of the more deadly creatures that assault the humans in the story. He may have something there but it had never occurred to me before.
If you have any thoughts on FROGS or any of the other ecological horror movies of the 1970’s is the place to send them. Thank you for listening! 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Video - FROGS (1972) Trailer

Having spent a couple of hours talking about this film I can honestly say my thoughts have changed because of Mark Clark's musings. Don't anyone tell him! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ghost Manor - Horror Comic Book Cover Gallery

I'm feeling the desire to read more classic horror comics. October can't get here soon enough!


Friday, August 09, 2024

JUNGLE WOMAN (1944) Poster Art

When the film isn't great - use some leg art to sell that sucker!


Thursday, August 08, 2024

Latest Patreon Post - Reviews of Four Recent Watches

My completely random watches result in four brief reviews of very different films.