Sunday, January 06, 2013

Live NaschyCast at Black Raven Emporium!

In a strange but wonderful turn of events (and I do mean Events) your humble Podcasters are going to be conducting a public Naschy related gig! The proprietors of Nashville's coolest lounge and hippest theater - Logue's Black Raven Emporium - have asked Troy and I to host two nights of screenings in their Cult Fiction Underground film series. Friday January 25th we will introduce HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB to a stunned Southern crowd and on Saturday the 26th we will do the honors for NIGHT OF THE WEREWOLF. We couldn't be more excited to be bringing these two Spanish Horror classics to unsuspecting Nashville film fans and we hope to sell the place out. We plan to present a little information about the movies each night and maybe even take questions after the screenings to encourage the curious to explore this corner of Euro-Trash a bit more.

If you live in the Middle Tennessee area or can get to Nashville on one of these nights we'd be glad to have you join us for either film. Black Raven serves beer so we promise it will be interesting to be hanging out with the hosts of the NaschyCast while admiring one of Paul Naschy's best movies. A good time should be had by all! 

1 comment:

  1. Wish it was closer to my neck of the Tennessee woods, but I'll pass it on.
