Saturday, January 05, 2013

DJANGO UNCHAINED Italian Poster Art!

Yvette and I caught the new Tarantino film the other night and we both loved it. Yvette actually rated it higher than I did giving it the same 10 out of 10 she gave THE ARTIST last year! It is damned good even if you don't get all the in-jokes that are there for hard-core Spaghetti Western fans. And the re-purposed music used to score the picture is wonderful and brilliantly placed. Why can no one produce this kind of music for the films today? Has our idea of what a movie should sound like changed that much?


  1. Why do I always have to put some much deliberation into my decision to see a Tarentino movie? I am always afraid to go but I love seeing it in the end. I do this with no other filmmaker.

  2. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I bought the soundtrack without hesitation. Great needle drops and cool new music. Can't wait to see the movie!

  3. Amazing poster art-I just saved it, and it'll be one of the changeable background wallpapers (for my computer) in my collection.
