Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wild, Wild Podcast Season 7: Episode 9 - AVENGER X (1967)

Bored of winning the golf championships all the time? Is life with your beautiful fiancé just not quite giving you the thrills you need? In that case, why not put on a black mask, stick a big X on your belt and then head out to fight international criminals? That's just what Mister X did, and he's never been happier, whether he's chucking henchmen out of windows or blowing up phone boxes.

Yes, we're back with another episode in our Fumetti season, and this is one of the lesser-known films based on a relatively unsuccessful comic. As usual with this season, there's no decent home video release to speak of, but you can find a poor quality copy on YouTube. It's good fun though, and gives Rod and Adrian plenty to discuss.

We would love to hear from you if you have any favorite Italian comic or masked hero/ villain-based films, or if you have used your fiancé as a honeytrap to catch a sleazy mafia boss. You can contact us on Twitter and Instagram or by email at You can also find our YouTube channel here.

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