Monday, October 13, 2014

The Mummy in comic books!

The most derided of all the classic monsters! He gets so little respect that he can't even get a remake film made without it being turned into a comedy/action adventure. Poor Mummy. 


  1. The mummy is derided, yes, but not as much as the invisible man in my opinion. Outside of the universal series how many good invisible man movies are there?

  2. Ya know- I have never really thought about the Invisible Man and the fact that there haven't been many such movies made since. Hammer never made one- HOLLOW MAN is a strange variation with dislikable characters -- interesting.

    1. I really enjoyed The Amazing Transparent Man. Check that one out if you haven't already.

  3. Is that "Living Mummy" comic series any good?

  4. Depends on your definition of 'good'. I enjoy the run of Living Mummy stories while knowing that they meander a bit too much. I don't think there was ever a strong creative drive behind the character - but I need to reread them to see if my memory is accurate.

  5. sounds like it had the same problems as the Marvel Frankenstein series - I recently worked my way through those, and I do mean work - that was a ship lost at sea, no clue where it was going after the first 3 issues

  6. I actually enjoyed the Marvel Frankenstein comic although it did meander badly. It may have been because I was so happy to finally have the ability to read the entire run with no missing issues but I still loved it!
