Monday, October 07, 2013

John Farris novel covers

With the coming of the Fall and cooler weather I always feel the desire to read horror fiction and this year I've pulled some entertaining choices from my shelf. I've been stockpiling novels from the big horror publishing boom of the 1980's when the bookstores were overrun with new books almost weekly. Not all of the writers of these writers had the success of Stephen King - the cause of this boom- but some of them were fantastic and well worth discovering. My favorite discovery of the past few years has been the fiction of Tennesseenative John Farris. He is a very talented author and each of his books have been a true pleasure to read. I'm about to finish up 1984's 'Son of the Endless Night' and although I was initially disappointed that it was an exorcism/possession tale it has turned out to be very good. Every now and then I just need a big meaty slab of 80's horror and that goes for my reading as well as my movie viewing!

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