Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Big Country -Music videos

For the past month or so I have been listening to the first three albums by Scottish rock band Big Country. I can't remember what made me pull these CDs from the shelf and add them to the iPod but what ever the urge that drove me, I'm glad for it. I'm enjoying revisiting this music and finding that it still speaks to me in some profound ways. Of course, these feelings may just be the type of thing that you associate with youth and the emotional turmoil that comes with looking more toward the future than the past, but I'm swept along by these songs never the less. Was I more optimistic in my teenage years of the 1980's? I'm too far removed to know for sure.
Anyone else out there like Big Country? Anyone else out there ever even heard of them before now?

I can remember seeing these on MTV. Damn- I'm old!


  1. Oh yeah I had the first Big Country album on cassette. In high school. I was a lonely teenager. I wonder how it holds up.

  2. Love these guys, and their first record in particular is a gem. Saw them live on the tour for that one at TPAC. They were great. There was a wonderful MTV concert shot on that tour that is probably on Youtube if you look for it.

  3. As much as I love The Crossing I find I like Steeltown and The Seer more these days. I think each of those three records are strong and I would love to get my hands on remasters one.

  4. I quite liked Big Country but I preferred singer Stuart Adamson's previous group The Skids. Their singles were among the first 7"s I bought and are always good for a little nostalgia shot. Having said that I could certainly see myself buying a Big Country Greatest Hits if there is such a thing.

  5. I have never heard any of The Skids. I'll have to check them out to see hat the genesis of Big Country sounds like. Thanks for the heads up.
