Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Yellow Razor Blog

I'd like to point readers of this blog over to a new addition to the blog-roll on the right side of the page. This is where I place links to fun sites of interest to fans of strange cinema. I urge folks to check out the list and see what new horizons might be found out there on the World Wide Web. 

Case in point- Brad of the Cinema Somnambulist website and co-host of the podcast Hello! Its the Doomed Show has started a new blog of his own to ramble about whatever film subject comes to his mind. Named Yellow Razor its just an infant, still squirming its way out of the birthing chamber but the post about introducing his neighbor Heather to the joys of THE WOLF MAN (1941) and Master Naschy's WEREWOLF SHADOW (1971) put a smile on my face. Werewolf Wednesdays indeed! Check it out.