Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Ray Harryhausen - RIP

I just learned that famed stop-motion special effects man and filmmaker Ray Harryhausen has passed away at age 92. Although not unexpected this is very sad news for me and any fan of classic fantastic cinema. I have spent hundreds of hours being entertained by Mr. Harryhausen's brilliant work and I will spend many more in the years to come. I will never be able to fully thank him for the joys he crafted that fired uncounted imaginations around the world. I got to meet the Great man in the late 1990s and got him to autograph my Laser Disc of JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS and a lobby card from the film as well. He was a wonderfully nice gentleman and fielded what I'm sure were a series of silly fanboy questions with wit and generosity. I wish he had been able to make at least ten more movies.

1 comment:

  1. We lost a great artist today, one who enriched my childhood and youth with his fantastic skills.
