Monday, December 17, 2012

Stephen D. Sullivan's new book!

OK- actually its a book he wrote several months ago but its now finally available to those of us that didn't get in on the KickStarter event that funded the book's writing. He pledged to write this tale starting at the opening of this past summer's Olympics Games and to be finished when they ended. This meant a lot of work and more than a few late nights but he got this sucker done!

I've been a fan of Mr. Sullivan's fiction for some time now and I think if you give it a try you just might become one as well. This book looks to be the perfect jumping-on point for new readers curious about his work. What is Tournament of Death? I'll let the author describe it---

"Monsters! Magic! Swordplay! Romance! Intrigue! Sudden Death! The world’s greatest champions face impossible odds in this action-packed, slyly humorous fantasy novel. You want knights and wizards? Elves and dwarves? Cat-women and lizard-men? Kung Fu girls? Your favorites are all here–though only the smartest and strongest will survive the Tournament of Death!" 

What more do you need to know? Follow the links below to learn more and I also recommend the Crimson Collection. Good stuff!

Stephen Sullivan's WebSite

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