Wednesday, October 03, 2012

The Bloody Pit #3 - Another 10 Favorite movies!

After a two month wait I finally bring you Episode #3 of The Bloody Pit and I can guarantee two things- less terrible sound than episode #1 and a more comfortable host. Yes- I’m slowly getting used to conducting a solo show and I think it is evident here. As for the subject matter, I once again present a list of ten of my favorite films and speak a bit about each. This listing brought out a few surprises for me and was much harder to construct so maybe this is an even more interesting group of entertainments. Maybe. I can certainly hope so, anyway. I pretty much stay on topic even if the occasional digression does have to be curtailed especially when I get anywhere near a chance to talk about Howard Hawks, Sam Peckinpah or Antonio Marghertti films. I just love those gentlemen’s work so much! Oh- and I get to talk a little bit about Christmas movies. Or at least one particular Christmas movie.

Please drop the podcast a note, if you are so inclined, at You can take the opportunity to present your own list of favorite movies as faithful correspondent Mark did in the Mail Bag section of this episode. There is nothing more fun than talking about someone else’s taste in film! As always, the show can be grabbed at the link below or pulled down from the iTunes store. And if you can review The Bloody Pit over there it would really help get the word out that the show exists. Thanks for listening and now go watch something fun.

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