Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Curved Space - STARCRASH fiction!

Rarely am I more stunned than I am by the announcement that a volume of short stories based on the main character of the hideously awful/wonderful 1979 science fiction mess-ter-piece STARCRASH is set for release. 'Curved Space - The Adventures of Stella Star' is a brand new anthology featuring short stories relating the further adventures of Stella Star, the beautiful spaceship Captain played in the film by Caroline Munroe. It is apparently fully endorsed by the film's writer/director Luigi Cozzi and, if I were to hazard a guess, is being published to take advantage of the upcoming release of STARCRASH to DVD and Blu-Ray later this year. Not that I'm complaining! Any additions to the cult of Cozzi and Stella Star is a good thing in my book. As soon as I have new information I'll let everyone know. I intend to be one of the first to own a copy of this book if for no other reason to find out what happens next........

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