Tuesday, July 20, 2010

BMC - B-Movies Online

I'm thrilled to note that AMC's website has opened a page that allows the viewing of several classic B-movies for free. The movies are streamed in the usual inter-tubes manner and, from my sampling so far, seem to be from good looking prints. Several of the films have yet to be released on DVD so it might be the only way to see them without resorting to bootlegs of dubious quality. The offerings include CAT GIRL, Corman's THE UNDEAD, FIEND WITHOUT A FACE, DEVIL DOLL, VOODOO WOMAN and THE PLAYGIRLS AND THE VAMPIRE. If you're looking to see some cool old horror movies for free this is as good a place as any other and word is that they plan to add more in the future.



  1. It looks like a bunch of the films they are streaming come from the Dark Sky collection. Some good stuff there, though.

  2. Thanks!! It's a great site!! Lots to watch!

  3. I knew right from the get-go that this would not be as good as the original 1993 masterpiece. The only thing I wondered was if it would be in the same league. Although not as good, it is inferior by little. Although not a masterpiece, I call it a "near-masterpiece" like The Outsiders and The Aviator.
    popcornflix movies
    los movies
