Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wild, Wild Podcast Season 7: Ep 5 - ARRRIVA DORELLIK (1967)

Take one of Italy's most popular entertainers, stick him in a moth-eaten supervillain costume, then have him come face to face with a buffoonish Terry-Thomas and you have Arrriva Dorellik, a star vehicle for singer, actor and all-round charisma machine Johnny Dorelli. But given this is an Italian comedy, will Rod and Adrian be able to agree on whether this is one to enjoy or avoid like the plague? Tune in to find out. In this episode Adrian also gets very easily distracted by Dorelli's Sanremo win of 1959 which leads to him going on about the Eurovision Song Contest at length.

Johnny Dorelli was still singing this film's theme Arriva la bomba well into the 1970s, and can be seen making an appearance on Italian television here.

We would love to hear from you if you have any favorite Italian comic or masked hero/ villain-based films, or if have ever found yourself stuck in your car, trapped between two palm trees. You can contact us on Twitter and Instagram or by email at You can also find our YouTube channel here.

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