Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wild, Wild Podcast Season 6: Episode 2 - Luana, the Girl Tarzan (Luana la figlia delle foresta vergine, 1968)

Stop us if you've heard this one before: a plane crashes in the jungle killing the adults onboard and leaving a solitary three-year-old girl to fend for herself. Communing with the animals, she grows into a beautiful young woman who the local tribes worship and fear as a goddess. Yes, if you asked AI to write you a jungle girl movie, it wouldn't be all that different from the plot of Luana, but here on the Wild, Wild Podcast we love it, and her, anyway!

You can learn more about the star of the film, Mei-Chen, and see plenty of pictures, over on Pulp International. You can also check out the amazing Luana comic strips and Frank Frazetta artwork HERE. And of course, if you want to watch Luana, it's available on YouTube.

We would love to hear from you if you have any favorite Jungle Girl films, or if you ever got lost in the jungle yourself and ended up befriending the animals or becoming a god to a local tribe. You can contact us on Twitter and Instagram or by email at Please also remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice!

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