Saturday, October 15, 2022

Brief Thoughts - BLOOD RED SKY (2021)

I finally caught up to the Netflix production BLOOD RED SKY (2021) and the impressive reviews I’d read were accurate. This European made thriller is a sharp and clever variation on vampires that manages to be an excellent horror film and a heartfelt drama simultaneously. I think it’s best to see this with the least amount of prior knowledge possible. In fact, I wish new viewers were allowed to see it without knowing that it was actually a vampire tale at all, but the mandatory online trailer that plays automatically makes that reveal obvious. Regardless, this is one of the best vampire films I’ve seen in years and benefits from excellent direction and a tight, smart script. The international cast seems to know they have a good piece of work here and really sell every twist the story throws their way. If every Netflix horror film was this well done I’d spend most nights planted in front of the streaming service. Highly recommended. 

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