Monday, May 30, 2022

HAWK THE SLAYER (1980) Returns!

I'm not going to pretend that HAWK THE SLAYER (1980) is a good movie. In fact, it is famous for being pretty darned bad! But it has a low budget charm that I find kind of endearing and it appears that I am not alone. The original filmmakers have tried off and on for decades to raise funding for another film with a failed 2015 KickStarter campaign being the most recent attempt. But now writer Garth Ennis and artist Flint Henry have joined forces to return to the fantasy world created by this underseen epic for a sequel tale in comic book form. So the story that fans have been waiting to see for forty-two years finally arrives this year not on the big or small screen but from Rebellion Comics in Britain. I cannot wait to read this book knowing that in some ways it can only be better than the film that inspired it. 

You can read a bit about the millionaire fan that has backed this comic book publication over at the Comics Journal and see some of the advanced pages from the book as well at this LINK. The first of the three issue series should hit American shops this summer and I am first in line for this madness. 

And if you have never experienced the film, there is a low resolution version posted on YouTube that will allow you to (kind of) see what all the hubbub is about. Any time Jack Palance gets to chew scenery while swinging a sword is a good time! 

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