Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Trailers From Hell - THE STRANGLERS OF BOMBAY (1960)

There's a part of me that knows that I should enjoy this film less than I do but I just can't help it. This is Hammer at the height of its power telling a distinctly British version of history through a lens so racist that it almost swallows its own tail, becoming nearly acceptable. I know it's as wrong as their insane version of Rasputin but I just can't stop watching and rewatching these movies. They're like a twisted pulp retelling of historical myths seen from a very specific late 20th century view of what makes a good story and an entertaining film. I guess we should add to 'Print the myth' the corollary 'Film the wildest version of the myth'. And remember - THE STRANGLERS OF BOMBAY was shot in StrangloScope!

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