Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Brief Thoughts - ROSE MARIE (1954)

I caught up with the musical ROSE MARIE (1954) the other evening and have to admit I agree with the general critical assessment of it being fairly mediocre. It isn’t a bad film but it is flat and uninvolving for the most part. I wasn’t aware that this was the third film version of the stage production until after I saw this one, but I am now curious enough to want to see those earlier takes on the show to compare. I was initially interested in it because one of the main characters is a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police but the allure of the songs was strong as well. I’m not the biggest fan of musicals but a good one can always win me over. Sadly, most of the songs here are pretty forgettable with only two of them really sticking out. ‘I’m a Mountie That Never Got His Man’ sung by Bert (Cowardly Lion) Lahr is a funny tune and the film stages it well with Lahr getting to play off of his talented co-star Marjorie Main. Oddly, it was written for the film adaptations and wasn’t part of the original stage production.

But there is one song that I knew before watching this film but had no idea it originated here. ‘Indian Love Call’ is a tune that I have heard someplace before and actually heard in a way that made it stick in my memory. I suspect I absorbed a comedic take on the chorus in some short or cartoon but I just can’t remember where or when. Nevertheless, this song is now lodged in my brain for the first time in decades and I’m not sure that is a good thing. It is a bit strange no matter how you approach it. Check it out below to hear what I mean.

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