Saturday, January 01, 2022

Revisiting Blake's 7

Over the past few weeks I’ve been doing a quick rewatch of the second season of Blake’s 7. I’ve found interesting details I had forgotten or missed on previous viewings making the project a real joy. It was fascinating to see the increasingly manic push Blake was making to locate Star One in hopes of finishing off the Federation. Somehow, I had completely forgotten the Travis subplot in the season’s final episode and was shocked to realize just how nihilistic the character had become. Along with somehow blanking out the fate of Travis I had also forgotten the entire alien invasion part of the story! It has obviously been far too long since I’ve rewatched this series and so I jumped right into the first episode of the third season and plan to keep slowly working my way through to the end of the run. Glad I bought the DVD sets years ago as I’m really getting my money’s worth out of them.

1 comment:

  1. I rewatched the entire series only last April during the COVID shutdown. Well worth it. Paul "Avon" Darrow and Jacqueline "Servalan" Pierce portrayed two of the more complicated characters I've ever seen.
