Friday, November 12, 2021

New Commentary Track Announced! - BLACK CANDLES (1982)

Today Severin announced the details of their forthcoming Blu-Ray of the Jose Larraz film BLACK CANDLES (1982) and listed first among the extras is the commentary track that Troy Guinn and I contributed! We've been sitting on this news for months and are very happy that we can finally crow about this this one. Or baa. Or bleat. Or whatever noise a sexually satisfied goat makes. If you've seen the film you know I mean.
But I think that the other extras are even more interesting! Check them out.

Audio Commentary With Rodney Barnett And Troy Guinn, Hosts Of NaschyCast

La Dama Del Fantaterror — Documentary Short On Actress Helga Liné By Filmmaker Diego López

Made By The Devil — Interview With Gavin Baddeley, Author Of Lucifer Rising: Sin, Devil Worship & Rock'n'Roll

An Exception To The Norm — Interview With Antonio Lázaro-Reboll, Author Of Spanish Horror Film

A documentary on the amazing Helga Line? Plus two other interviews with knowledgeable film writers? This is looking like one heck of a disc!
Also - because Severin are sly merchandisers - they are offering replica necklaces as seen in BLACK CANDLES so you too can join in the Satanic depravity.

These items go on sale on the Severin website on Black Friday a.k.a. midnight of November 26th! So go grab you a big Blu piece of Spanish horror history packed with nudity, Satanism and beastiality. If you wonder what in the world it was all about just listen to Troy and I and we'll help you through.


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