Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Audio - 'The Great Should Have Been' by Frank Oreto

Below you will find a player that gives you access to an audio version of Frank Oreto's short tale The Great Should Have Been. I suggest listening to this fine story not just because it's a good and worthy thing to hear but to draw more attention to Mr. Oreto. I've known Frank so long I remember when I used to call him Jason and we both spent time hooting and joking on WTTU during our long ago college radio days. He has since moved onward and upward in life becoming by turns a businessman, a father and a damned fine writer of weird fiction. I'm lucky to be able to call him friend and you are lucky enough to be able to experience his storytelling right here. Check it out! 

If you want to read more of his work please click on the links below. His most recently published story in available in the new issue of Unnerving magazine. Number 16 in fact. I recommend it too.

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