Friday, July 23, 2021

Wild, Wild Podcast #5 - WILD, WILD PLANET (1966)

It's the episode we've all been waiting for! Wild, Wild Planet, the movie that inspired the name of this podcast. Join Adrian and I as we both pour praise and occasional sarcasm on this science fiction wonder. Yes, we love it, but it's also a pretty crazy film that doesn't always make a lot of sense. "Why is Franco Nero in a knitted baby onesie?" is just one of the questions your hosts try to answer.

You can buy Wild, Wild Planet from the Warner Archive. It's not on Blu-ray yet, but if enough people buy this version then maybe they will take the hint!

At the close of the podcast you can hear the song "Wild, Wild Planet" by the band Several Mouth Parts. Check out their website to hear more crazy stuff like this!

We would love to hear what you think of this film too. You can contact us via Twitter and Instagram, or you can email us at

If you enjoy the show please subscribe, tell your friends and leave us a review!


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