Monday, July 12, 2021

Wild Wild Podcast #4 - Planet of the Vampires (Terrore nello spazio, 1965, Mario Bava)

Only four episodes in and it's already time for more Mario Bava! After his first foray into space science fiction with The Day the Sky Exploded, he finally came back to the field in 1965 and this time delivered one of the all time genre greats. Join Adrian and I as we spend longer than usual discussing the next film in the season, the misleadingly titled Planet of the Vampires.

 This is the first film covered on the podcast that has been released on home video, DVD and blu ray, so grab yourselves a copy and enjoy Bava's incredibly inventive and stylish sci-fi horror.

 We would love to hear what you think of this film. You can contact us via Twitter and Instagram, or you can email us at

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