Saturday, August 01, 2020

Comic Book - Savage Sagas #1

Comic book writer Christopher Mills has released the first issue of a new sword & sorcery anthology comic called Savage Sagas. This is part of a slew of new independent comic books Mills is creating and publishing on his own and I have loved every one I've read so far. Until Savage Sagas debuted my favorite had been Space Crusaders but I love barbarian ass-kicking more than laser battles by the length of a (short) dagger so .... top spot goes to 'ax wielding man fighting Lovecraftian monster' every time! 
If these kinds of old style comics are your cup of tea as well I strongly recommend checking out the various titles Mr. Mills and his impressive array of artists have on offer over the IndyPlanet sales website. You'll be glad that you did.  


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