Wednesday, October 16, 2019

THE BEAST AND THE MAGIC SWORD (1983) Aspect Ratio News!

All right. I know that when I present this information I'm going to sound like a lunatic but I don't care. Mondo Macabro will be putting the Limited Edition of this incredible werewolf film on sale on Friday but they have just announced something that makes my Naschy loving heart beat even faster. I'll let their post fill you in -

When originally preparing this release we had decided to stick to the 1.33:1 aspect ratio for the film. All video releases of the movie were in this ratio and nothing about it seemed destructive to the framing. However, in the process of fiddling about with the framing to fit one of the extras, we discovered that the film looks awfully good cropped to 1.66:1! It would seem that the film was intentionally framed so that it could be shown in multiple aspect ratios.

So that's just what we've done! You will now have the option of viewing this marvelous film in either 1.33:1 or 1.66:1, whatever you think looks best.

I am thrilled that there will be two different ways to see the movie! I've always assumed that the film was shot in 1.33:1 because Naschy was shooting all his work in Japan at that aspect ratio. It's more suited to old-style television screens and would more easily translate to video for its eventual release on that format. But if it was shot with the aim of being matted for a more cinematic look - YES! 
This promises to be a very exciting Blu-Ray release indeed! 

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