Tuesday, April 30, 2019


It's hard to explain exactly why I am so fascinated by the Poverty Row horror film BLACK DRAGONS (1942). I first encountered it in an article I read in FilmFax magazine years before I was able to finally see it. FilmFax issue #30 featured an image of Bela Lugosi in a fedora on the cover mugging like he was in pain.

Inside was a feature article on this insane film that captured my imagination. Reading and rereading this piece made me so hungry to see the movie that it became a mildly unhealthy obsession. The article was very clear about the film's failings and even poked fun at some of the more embarrassing bits of dialogue. It pointed out that the plotting was clunky and made it clear just how inept it was. In fact, it made sure to detail the bizarre ways in which nearly everything in the damn thing makes no sense.

At barely an hour long it has such a confused story that it's almost impossible to accurately recount what happens. I suspect that there could be a fun parlor game of only allowing new viewers to see the first 20-minute segment (or actually any random 20 minutes section) and then ask them what they think the film will ultimately be about. I seriously doubt that anyone would be able to guess where things end up and I think we might have more party game fun just imagining the crazy films that people would imagine. They would probably be more entertaining then BLACK DRAGONS ends up being. Not that it's not an entertaining little mess!

Let me be clear -  I find this film completely fascinating in the same way that I find almost all of Bela Lugosi's poverty row horror films fascinating. It's illogical; it's silly as can be and because it's so short and features Lugosi it's kind of absorbing in the same way as a slow motion car crash can be attention-grabbing. I know almost no one other than me is mesmerized by this film but if you've never seen it and you want to see something completely nuts - something that I guarantee will confuse and amuse - check out BLACK DRAGONS.

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