Monday, October 29, 2018

Brief Thoughts - GRAVEYARD OF HORROR (1971)

Spanish horror film GRAVEYARD OF HORROR (1971) a.k.a. THE BUTCHER OF BINBROOK seems to be constructed to put one of my pet cinematic theories to the test. For years I have claimed that I could watch amazing character actor Victor Israel do anything for the length of a movie and be entertained. I had no idea that I would have to be so confused by the film that gives me the chance to see this happen. From the moment Mr. Israel appears onscreen (roughly the 15 minute mark) he is a major player in the story as a part of the incredibly convoluted, nonsensical plot to...... I'm still not positive what the point was. I'm sorry. I promise that I watched the entire thing but at a few points it becomes nearly impossible to follow the sloppy script. Indeed, there were several instances where, I could swear, the director gave up and just filmed some extras carrying coffins across a snowy field.

But, the great Victor Israel does a lot in this crazed combination of mad science, missing person mystery, family angst and severely cold weather. He wears a creepy mask and hooded robe. He stalks and attacks graveyard lurkers. He dunks human heads into a bucket to remove the flesh. 

He's a busy bastard here! But the film is such a bizarre mess I can't care! Not event the sight of the very lovely frequent Naschy co-star Beatriz Elorrieta running around in a miniskirt (in the freakin' snow!) can keep me from wishing for a better script. Or more coherent editing. Or less sloppy camera operation. Or better acting. (Don't get me started on the stilted, crappy acting from most of the cast.) Ugh!

And yet - I'm kind of glad I watched this thing.

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