Sunday, July 08, 2018

The Bloody Pit #70 - VENGEANCE (1968)

Antonio Margheriti directed several westerns over his very long career. VENGEANCE (1968) was his second effort in the genre after 1967's DYNAMITE JOE and the evidence here shows he was very comfortable in the field. Margheriti also takes a full writer's credit on this one meaning that he had a strong hand in shaping the story instead of just being a director for hire. Perhaps this means we can see what 'Mr. Dawson' was thinking in the late 1960's about westerns and the specific Italian slant on them when looking at this early in the cycle example. What are the necessary elements that need to be included?

Attention grabbing opening scene? Check.
Clint Eastwood-style loner? Check.
Revenge plot fueling the action? Check.
Intricate crime with backstabbing and betrayal? Check.
Gorgeous female character with little to do? Check.
Charismatic bad guy with odd affectations? Check.
As much violence as the times will allow? Check.

Seems like he had everything in place. But did he craft a good movie? Join John Hudson and I as we go through this well produced film starring Richard Harrison and a host of excellent European actors including Margheriti regular Luciano Pigozzi. (Was there an actor who appeared in more of his movies?) I complain about the plain nature of Harrison's name while Hudson laments the missed opportunity for a cameo by the Invisible Chimp. We talk about the Savina score, the title song, the joys of catching smaller onscreen details and pointing out where the film could/should have been shortened. We also take a few unexpected side roads with the lengthy DAWN OF THE DEAD conversation being pretty ridiculous even if it did relate to the 'less is more' concept.

Near the end we discuss an email sent in by a listener and if you'd like to comment on the show the address is We would love to hear from you! Thank you for downloading and listening to us babble. We'll be back soon with more.

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