Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Trailer - MY BLOODY VALENTINE (1981)

I'd love to get in a viewing of this one this week! 


  1. I always thought that it was a pretty good non franchise slasher film. It’s also Canadian, I believe. What do you think are some of the best non franchise slasher films?

  2. MY BLOODY VALENTINE, THE FUNHOUSE and HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW are the three I think stand out.

  3. All three are pretty solid. I don’t know if I would count The Funhouse as a slasher, but that’s splitting hairs.

  4. The Final Terror was a pretty good one in my opinion. Prom Night and The Burning are two I think are overrated. What do you think?

  5. I have given PROM NIGHT three tries and I just don't think it's very good. THE BURNING I like but it's uneven and I did enjoy THE FINAL TERROR.

  6. Damn, you’re a glutton for punishment, Rod. I don’t think I’ll end up watching a Prom Night a second time or even a third time for that matter.
