Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Cereal Box Scary Records!

I was recently reminded of the odd 1970's phenomena of printing Halloween records on the back of cereal boxes. You would have to cut the square record off the box and then get it to lay flat enough on the turntable to play. As I remember it the little 45 sized freebies would often warp a bit making the entire process a little extra unnerving even if the stories were not all that scary. Would the needle stay in the groove long enough to hear the whole thing?  These were always fun little extras for the October season and they certainly worked to get me to beg mom for particular cereals even if I usually didn't care about that brand. 

Here are a few of them available on YouTube! 

1 comment:

  1. Weird, I remember having that Spooky Stories flexi but I don't recall ever eating Honeycombs.
