Sunday, October 01, 2017

Bond Unknown! - James Bond vs the Cthulhu Mythos

OK. The existence of this book may be the thing that gets me to forever stop thinking I've already seen the strangest thing I'll ever see. 

Because my buddy Mark Maddox painted the spectacular cover for this book I learned of it - but only today. Small Canadian press April Moon Books has put together two separate novelettes that feature Ian Fleming's master spy in adventures that have him encountering elements of the wider world of Lovecraft's Elder Gods Mythos. If I hadn't studied the details of this mad idea I would have considered it a hoax. I suspect that most people reading this blog have never heard of this either so I'm going to provide links for my fellow curious fans of these very different fictional worlds to learn more as well. What a time in which we live! 

Needless to say, I've ordered my copy already. 

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